
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Stamping Tips, Advice, Recommendation

Hi guys I'm thinking about trying my hand at stamping/konading during the summer but I have no idea where I should start. I've been tempted by some cheap bits from eBay and various overseas stores but should I get a starter set from Konad first? What essentials do I need? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



  1. Try joining this group...
    Everyone is really nice and will help you with anything, there are docs about plates, stamping polishes, etc. I love stamping!!!

  2. I LOVE stamping! Love love love. I started with a bundle monster plate set, a konad stamper, an old gift card as a scraper, and whatever polishes I had on hand that were opaque. Essence makes a rather nice white stamping polish, and just about anything chrome-ish works very well.
    I have a little post on my own blog about it, and I know that there's a big list of stamping polishes on The Nailasaurus...

  3. My first stamper/scraper were Konad brand from Amazon. It was like $4.00 for both, so pretty cheap! My first plates were the first SHANY set, also from Amazon. They're okay, but Bundlemonster makes my favorite plates. You really can't go wrong with a few plates and the stamper! I recommend using an old gift card instead of the scraper- it damaged some of my plates, but doesn't harm the image. It's so fun and not as hard as it seems! I think you'll be great at it :) You'll also need thicker polishes for stamping, and that kinda comes down to trial and error. I love Sally Hansen Whirlwind White and Black Out to start. Sally Hansen Celeb City is my favorite silver to stamp with, too, and those are all pretty cheap :) Good luck!!

  4. Yay :-) I bought my first stamper, scraper and plates from
    I also bought two stamping polishes. I'm not convinced you need these but it may be handy to have the white stamping polish from Konad.
    I'd recommend Bundle Monster plates (from Amazon) or any from Born Pretty Store plates are cheap so they're great for starting out with. They also sell stampers and scrapers at a lower price than Konad :-)

    Have fun :-)

  5. I got the Konad stamper and scraper from Amazon for around $5 and I also got the holder for a couple of extra dollars. Most of the reviews said to not both with the holder and scraper, but I wanted to try them all. I can say, in my opinion, the other reviewers were right: you really only need the stamper, it is easier to set the plate on a paper towel and an old credit card works much better than the scraper. I also tried Bundle Monster plates, Red Angel plates, and a couple of Konad plates. Obviously Konad plates worked really well, but if I had to choose between red angel and bundle monster I would pick red angel as the imprint seems a bit deeper leading to a better quality stamp.

  6. I just bought my first Konad set, but couldn't get the polish to stick to the stamp itself. Extremely annoying! But I googled it, and found out I should rub the stamper between my hands to warm it up. Tadaa! Magic, now at least some patterns sticks to the stamp :)

  7. Thank you all for your advice. I definitely have a better idea of what things I should pick up first and what not to waste my money on!

  8. I bought my kit from, if you google around you can probably find a discount code! I think the one I used in 2009 gave 40% off!

  9. I've got all my plates and stamper from amazon and they're not bad value :) I ended up getting the bundlemonster ones due to cost and I'm really pleased with them. Do you read rebecca likes nails? She has really good stamping faq section.
